Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Good Morning, Melbourne!

Whew... Finally reached Melbourne after a 10 hour bus ride and it is not 6 AM! I thought I could spend the night on the bus sleeping, but I ended up staying awake the whole bus ride. I'm gonna drop dead tonight...

The last few days, I spent exploring Adelaide as much as I can since I didn't get to explore as much the first few days... Overall experience? It's a nice little city, but really nothing much to see. Or maybe I didn't explore enough.

I got to experience Mid-Autumn Festival in Adelaide and boy was it better than the ones we have in Boston! Lol... Adelaide doesn't even have that big of an Asian population, but they made it such a big deal! It's like a two week even with theatre shows, musicals, decorations, open forums, art galleries, etc. The main parade was on Sunday night on the Torrens River. People started camping there at 2 PM and the parade doesn't start until 8! Okay... I was one of the 2 PM people. The parade actually got delayed because there were TOO many people that people started sitting on the parade designated lanes. All in all, it was great. A lot of different life size lantern designs for the parade (instead of the usual dragon dance and that's about it)! I left before the fireworks started; first to get out before the crowd, second because I was hungry, and third I didn't want to be a loner watching fireworks because too much feels. Actually, mainly just because of third LOL... Fireworks are meant to be enjoyed with a SO or at least a friend. I was there alone. #5everalone

I ended up meeting a bunch of Asians at my Adelaide hostel! Which was cool I guess. I feel close minded mingling with my own kind lol... Whatever. Friends are friends! I will probably be meeting up with two of them at Tasmania! It just so happened that we were going at the same week, so we can split the cost of my car. I ended up not getting a manual because I changed it to an SUV since we will have 5 people now and a sedan will be too squished. Either way, I'll be driving on my wrong side of the road. Wish me well!

I'm starting to not like YHA hostels... They provided uber slow free wifi and charge you more for better wifi. What's the dealio? The city itself has better free wifi, but I don't want to be sitting in the middle of a park at midnight trying to stream League of Legends. Talking about League of Legends, I can't wait to watch the championship! I just wish I had a better connection for streaming. I'll find a way I guess. I don't know why I'm excited for it since I didn't really care for it until the finals every year lol... I was sitting outside waiting for the Mid-Autumn Festival to start in Adelaide, so I decided to read up on each team that made it to the World Championship and participated in the betting to see who will come out in which place. I don't really care who wins, but I just want to spend some quality me time watching the finals.

Entering Melbourne on the bus doe. The architecture makes me drool! There's a ferris wheel in the middle of the city. hwot? There's so much design in their buildings. I'll sure be taking loads of pictures. I've decided to spend a longer period of time in Victoria, Australia. I'm gonna be trying to get a farm work here or maybe a cafe since Melbourne is famous for their coffee. I want to learn to be a barista! Thank goodness for the time zone though. The 13.5 hour difference in Adelaide was throwing me off so badly. I'm back to the normal 14 hour difference now in Melbourne!

I found out Pokemon Symphonic is coming to Australia. I bought 2 tickets to their concert at Sydney Opera House on November 21, 2015! Can't go alone to a concert... I need to find a date. I also found out that PAX just started one in Melbourne Australia for 30 October to 1 November... But $160 though. That can feed me for 8 days! Too expensive... I'm not into games that much anymore too so I guess I can pass.

I feel like my entry is not making much sense right now and I probably have a lot of grammatical errors right now (and probably in all my entries). I feel so tired right now. I'm sitting at the Melbourne Central YHA, it's 6:52 AM right now, I can't check in until 1 PM, and there's no free luggage storage. I'll probably camp here at the lounge for a bit and get a locker for $3 later in the day which is valid for 4 hours.

I'll be exploring Melbourne for a while! I feel like I'm getting lazy at updating my blog; that and I haven't been transferring my pictures from my camera to the computer so I haven't been uploading pictures. Until next post, peace out!

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