Monday, October 5, 2015

Sick and Lazy~

There's a fan in my room. The switch is right next to the switch for the light. People would come into the room and turn both switches on. People would leave the fan on overnight but it's broken so it doesn't rotate. Just so happens that the fan blows toward my bed. I got too lazy to get up and turn it off thinking it's alright. Two days later, I get a sore throat and I've been sick since. =_= I turn it off when everyone sleeps, but I've been feeling sick these past few days. Aside from that, I've been distracted from watching the League of Legends Worlds Championship. My hostel booking came with three days of "premium wifi" (which isn't so premium. Instead of 0.5Mbps, it's 3Mbps) so I activated it minutes before the first game started. I've been staying up until 1 or 2 am watching the games, so I've been sleeping in a lot until like 11 am because I'm not feeling well either. I feel like I've been wasting my time, but I guess that's what vacation is about; just relax and do what I want to do.

I've been in Melbourne for 6 days now. I've only made one friend on the first night and he ended up leaving the very next day! My birthday is coming up soon and I don't know about spending it alone! D: I need to find that trust worthy friend that will hold my hair up while I puke my brains out and carry me home knowing that they won't touch me inappropriately! Just kidding... But I would like to do something on my birthday. Or not and just spend it with a bunch of old people like any ordinary day. I don't like announcing my birthday, so it might just end up being a normal day.

Melbourne... I don't know. I'm not getting that feel/vibe that people are talking about. It's just another city. I went out for the first four/five days and went to museums and took pictures of night city lights. I think my vacation is plateauing; getting to that point where I kind of feel like every city is the same. It is probably because it's so expensive here; similar to Sydney, that I tend to try to find free things to do and avoid the paid things. I've only eaten out once on the first day when I arrived. It was highly rated on Yelp, but I thought it was average when I ordered a Japanese dish with roasted chicken and rice. It was cheap, so I guess I get what I pay for. Though I did go to the Australian Centre for Moving Image. It was a museum introducing the history of media, starting from simple drawing animation, black and white hollywood movies, 3D movies, 8-bit game graphics, 3D graphics, to what we have today with mobile technologies and how it transformed our entertainment. It's so surprising how not that long ago, we thought 3D Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy VII was super cool. Today, we are talking about virtual realities where we can see 3D live prospective images with a set of goggles. With the advancement of technology now a days, 2 years time could result in something even greater; something we couldn't even imagine of becoming a reality. I thought this museum was awesome and it can spark a lot of technological/science interest in little children. I wish we had one of these museum in Boston. Our museums seem to target towards simple things; the Aquarium, Museum of Science, Children Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Institute of Contemporary Arts, etc. I'm sure it's awesome to the young audience to go to Museum of Science, but I went there in my 20s and I'm not wow'd haha... I was wow'd by the Australian Centre for Moving Image. If anyone were to go to Melbourne, I would highly suggest it even though it's quite a small museum.

So I've been starting to look for jobs. I'm so hesitant at applying. I'll be going to Tasmania until the 15th. I have a Pokemon concert to attend on 21st of November. A lot of jobs want people to start immediately or have some certificate in certain fields in order to be hired. Farm work requires commitment of 5 months 7 days a week because they don't want people leaving in the middle of a harvesting season. A lot farm jobs actually do not provide accommodations or transportation and they're in the middle of no where where buses and trains don't go to. I guess that only applies to people WWOOFing because that's free labour for food and a roof. I'm going to try phoning the Australia National Harvest Labour Information Service to inquire about farm work and give them some criteria that I want to aim for such as being able to go from an accommodation to the field via bike.

This is so weird. @_@ People don't like just randomly start a conversation with other people... I tried to initiate some talk with random people in the hostel, but it just kind of dies in 2~3 back and forth. That and the lounge setup is completely anti-social comparing to other hostels that I've stayed in. There's no big tables where it lets people sit with other people. They're just small tables enough space for one person and then a long bench across the room. People tends to sit a table away from another person unless it's packed. I like to sit in the lounge because who knows what kind of people you will come across. But when people have to sit next to me and see me watching the League of Legends Worlds Championship, they would just look over and look at me funny like what is this kid watching. :| I'm hopeless. Meeting people and socializing is just not my thing... But then I shouldn't be saying that because I still have 10 and half more months to go! I will bound to meet some close friends within that period of time. You still have a long way to go, Henry! Add oil!

Oh geez, this entry was going to be a short one, but I ended up blabbling again. I should go to sleep now because I want to wake up early to take a train to Lilydale and bike to Warburton! There used to be a railway from Lilydale to Warburton, but it was closed down and it became a bike trail which have very scenic country side along the way~ The friend that I met on the first night told me about it and I've been wanting to go, but I got sick and felt out of place to be biking. I hope I'm not out of shape to be biking 80 kilometers a day! I love cycling, so it should be okay.

Until next time, good night! My "premium wifi" is expiring soon... zzz

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