Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Quokkas! And more!

My life is finally complete. I can now die happily. Sorry ladies, but I'm taken. Please form a line right behind the quokka please.

Haha, the quokka didn't really kiss me. She was sniffing my face for food! They are so adorable!!! Even though the ferry and the bike hire (rental) was 114AUD, it was totally worth it to go to Rottnest Island! The island was beautiful! It was kind of like Huangshan where motor vehicles are not allowed except the island allows official vehicles (buses, government vehicles, etc,) as to Huangshan doesn't have any vehicles at all beyond the entry point. I was kind of sad that the ferry didn't get to the island until 11AM and I have to make it back to the port at 4PM to catch the last ferry at 4:25PM. I only had enough time to see a quarter of the island because I keep stopping to take pictures. When I first got there, it was really cloudy and cold. For a good hour, I didn't see any quokka at all! I thought I wasn't going to see any of them because it was so chilly and they are nocturnal animals. But I biked a little longer and saw this couple hanging out in the middle of the street. I went over to check it out and turns out that they found quokkas! The above shot was with one of them; which was one that also has a baby in her pouch! They're so super cute! I spent a good 15 minutes before taking off to see more of the island. The island was so quiet early on that it was getting kind of scary because I was checking out the barracks and the old bomb shelters that were built there for World War II. I felt an eerie feeling whenever the wild blew over because I was picturing spirits and ghosts around! Ahaha... I could bike for a good 10 minutes without seeing a single person because I went deep into the island. The day turned out really nice and good all the way up to when I had to leave. Love the place and if I have the money and chance, I would definitely go back! I ended up spending more than I intended on postcards and mailed them out to people back in the States.

That was Sunday. Today, I woke up at 5:30AM AGAIN to make it to the bus stop at 6:30 to catch the bus to The Pinnacles. I originally want to go on my own, but there was no public transportation to the place so I had to book it with a tour. So far up to now, I've only experienced with Chinese tourist groups and they kill the mood when the guide brings us to jewelry shops or Chinese delicacy shops where they sell shark fins and stuff like that so they can get commissions. So I didn't want to experience something like that again because those are so annoying. But today turned out to be really nice! I was the first one to be picked up at the first pick up point and I ended up sitting in the front seat with the tour guide Richard. Super nice guy. The trip was a day trip and I was really glad to be sitting next to him and having a talk with him. I think it made my trip A LOT more exciting and better. Instead of just meeting the other people on the trip, I got to know the tour guy too and he has a lot of stories and experience about the trip. He has been all over Australia and had a lot to talk about. I got a few tips from him too in terms of trying to get a farming job or just a job in general and where is the best places to go around Australia. His trip was really fulfilled; included light breakfast with Australia jams, smoked kangaroo and emu meat, sandwich for lunch, and we stopped at three places -- Yanchep National Park, some small town where we did sand boarding, and finally stopping at The Pinnacles! The AU$145 was totally worth it in my opinion.

EDIT: I ded. Got too tired to complete this blog. I'll finish it later!

So I ended up extending my stay in Perth for one extra night because my train is not until Wednesday. My Tuesday was spent being lazy. I did laundry, hung out at the lounge, and spoke with a couple of people. You know, some people are really easy to get along with. One of us just need to take that initiative to start a conversation. I'm working on it, but I'm still really bad at starting a conversation. I keep reminding myself that there's too many people in this world to be worrying about one or two people judging me, but I still can't get my courage to start something. I just keep thinking to myself that, "Oh that's a stupid question and it will never lead to anywhere!" Haha... I'm so dumb. I'll work on it. Anyways, it has been a relaxing day and I can't wait to catch the train to Adelaide tomorrow. I know it'll be a good trip. Maybe I'll get my courage and just go speak with a random stranger. *shrug*


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