Sunday, September 20, 2015

Welcome to Adelaide!

I woke up at 5:30 to prepare to go to The Pinnacles. I didn't want to be a jerk walking back and forth out of the room and wake everyone up, so I decided to leave my toothbrush and toothpaste outside on the communal sink while I go eat breakfast and pick it up after I'm done. Yeah, I forgot about it and left for the day. I didn't noticed that my toothbrush and toothpaste went missing that night when I wanted to go brush my teeth. I found my toothbrush on the lost and found shelf, but the toothpaste is forever gone. I barely used it for two weeks and it was a full tube. Jerk. It's my fault, but why would you steal other people's toothpaste?! Ugh. Luckily, my mom suggested that I bring two tubes so I have a backup... Plus a travel size one. That's why I can't have nice things. It's the start of my losing streak where I lose everything by the time my year is up.

The train from Perth to Adelaide was for 2 nights and technically 3 days, but I reached Adelaide at 7 AM, so it's kind of like just two days. Sleeping on a chair is worse than I thought it'd be. The longest plane ride I've ever done in one go was 10 hours, so it wasn't so bad. But sleeping on a chair for 2 nights? It was painfully uncomfortable. At first, I thought it'd be okay since the chairs can recline to about 45 degrees; which is better than airplane seats. Nope, didn't help at all because my legs just felt weird hanging around. We're not allowed to sleep on the floor and the arm rest in between two seats cannot be lifted. 2/10, would not do again. The only good thing about taking a train is the different experience and being able to see the kilometers and kilometers of desert and dry trees! It was fun I guess. I also met these two awesome university teachers from Chongqing and Chengdu, so it's good; I guess.

When I boarded the train, I found my seat and the woman in the seat over had her stuff on my seat. I said, "Hi, I'm seat 11." She gave me a disgusted look moved her stuff onto the floor. I started looking into the back of the train and kept saying to me about why are they putting all the people in the front of the cart instead of spreading us all over. She wandered if we were able to sit at the empty seats. I said, "Maybe... If it doesn't fill up by the time we start moving. My name is Henry by the way." She just said yeah. When the conductor said we don't have much travelers that day so we can move around and spread out if we wish, she immediately picked up all her stuff and moved to another empty seat... What?

I'm still being shy and all. Don't know how to start a conversation with people even though I just finished reading this book called The Art of Small Talks. I'm super noob. There were these two Chinese women that was sitting in the seats behind me and I first assumed that they were complete fobs because they blasted music and spoke obnoxiously. Me and my bad judgmental habits. Turns out they were university teachers from Chongqing and Chengdu! One of them was an English teacher and the other one was from a Economics and Finance school. Well educated, smart, and super nice! But they're still old Chinese women (like my mom, can get annoying at times)... They're super nice to me and even started calling me their son; which I appreciate. But I finally realized that I much rather travel on my own and I love traveling on my own most of the time. Like I said before, I like to be able to move at my own pace (go when I want, relax when I feel like it, slack off when I feel like a lazy day). I went to Port Adelaide to visit them and just so happened that it was International Pirates Day this weekend. Port Adelaide is a freight port and there was a good history about pirates so they had a big festival where people dress up and celebrate the event around town. I wanted to just sit around, relax, and watch the little pirate children run around, but they were so eager to go to museum and once again I felt obligated to be their company. The Adelaide Maritime Museum turned out to be good and interesting, but you know what I mean. I'm glad that the day turned out pretty good and I ended up cooking dinner for them. It feels great to be able to cook for others and they appreciate my cooking!

Edit: I got sidetracked and ended up continuing this blog entry on 21 November night.

Sooo... I woke up at 8am for the hostel's daily free pancake for breakfast! I was cutting up a kiwi to put on my pancake when this guy walked up to me and made a comment about my kiwi on my pancake and asked where I was from. He's John and he was born in Perth, traveled all around Australia and a lot of other places! He lives in Perth and just doing some traveling! I got caught up talking with him into the night and we even split the groceries and I got to cook for another person that appreciate my cooking! Oh man, we talked into the night and lost track of time. I ended up going to sleep at 2am! It feels great to be able to connect with someone and he feels great to be able to meet me. We have a lot in common except our age. He said he's not so confident in himself, but he has met a lot of people over his life and even keep in contact with people from years and years back even when these people live in different part of the world. I hope I can be like that; to be able to meet life long friends all around the world and make an effort to keep in contact with most of them. He legit been all over the world and knows a lot. He's the first person that I've met on this trip that I feel the connection and he's so interested in getting to know me and have a lot of interesting stories to talk about. I have a feeling that he might be one of those that I might keep as a life long friendship; or at least I'll make an effort to! Lol... I'm terrible at that and everyone knows that.

Today, I ended up strolling around the city to check out the University of Adelaide, art museums, and a bunch of other museums. Things repeat at times, but I enjoy seeing them. :) Yesterday, John brought me to Adelaide's Chinatown and I saw a bunch of cosplayers hanging outside a PC cafe dressed up as Sona and Prestigious Leblanc. I was hungry, so we went for food and I forgot to go back and get pictures of them. I went to Chinatown today and it was deaddd lol... I guess it's a weekend thing. I ended up extending my stay in Adelaide to Monday morning because there's a Lunar Festival event (中秋节) happening in Adelaide on Sunday and their promotion has a girl that looks like Miku! I'm convinced lol... I looked up Lunar festival around Australia and it didn't seemed like other cities make it as big of a deal as Adelaide do. I see promotional posters all over the city. So I'll stay until Sunday and catch the Monday train from Adelaide to Melbourne. So far, I've been to the outskirts of Adelaide (Port Adelaide and Hahndolf) which turned out to be okay... I like the architecture here, but it doesn't seem like there's much to do here... Maybe I need to meet a locate that can show me around. So far, my favorite is probably Perth because I got to see so much stuff there (Rottnest Island, The Pinnacles, King's Park). Sydney has a lot going on, but I don't know. I do like the Blue Mountains though and I'll definitely go back. I want to see how Melbourne turns out and go from there. I hope my trip will only get better and better! :)

Until next time, peace out!

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