Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Barista Course and Beyond...

Don't you hate it when you're taking a poo and the hostel's bathroom lights has a timer to turn off after no movement for 3 minutes? You can't see my butt move, but it's moving! >:( Stop turning off the lights on me!

So I had my barista course on Saturday. I was expecting more, but what ever. We had maybe 2 hours of information learning and then 3 hours of unlimited coffee bean and milk to practice on. I poured out maybe 30~40 cups of espresso, cappuccino, latte, etc. The way we down those milk though... The instructor had a refrigerator filled with 2 litre bottles of milk and we down one for every 4~5 cappuccino maybe? I thought it was a huge waste, but I really wanted to practice more! It was really fun practicing and it's such a happy moment when you get that latte art showing up! Haha... I don't know how I'll get more practice time now but I think I got the basic down. We try to make espresso manually by timing when we stop the water and I got that down pretty fast. Too early will result in sour espresso, too late will result in bitter espresso. Then we went on to froth milk. That is a little bit difficult because we need to make sure we froth the milk enough and get the right temperature. I either have too less foam which won't work when making latte art. When there's too much foam, it mixes with the coffee? When the temperature is too hot, it will lose the silky sugary milk flavor. If it's too cold, it will just be milk and supposedly too sweet. See how fun it is?! I wanna practice moreee!! That day doe. When we were trying our manually made espresso, I had so many that I was literally twitching and hyper for almost the whole day haha.

So at the class, I met this guy Argi? I forgot his name, but best that I don't remember. He is of no importance to me now. He seemed like a nice guy. During break, we went out for lunch and had a good talk. He started his own business in making burgers. He has a wife and an adorable little son. Cool guy, it seems. He even offered me a ride back to Melbourne city after class because he said he was heading there anyways. I was like sweet, I'll save $5 on the train ride. Class is over, I hopped on into his car. He decided to drive me to a brothel... What? He said lets just check it out really quick, I promise. I was like -_- fine. So they showed us all the girls and he picked out one of the girl. What about you? Hahahha.... I'm good, none of them really suite me. He was like are you sure? Okayyy. I'll be out in a bit then. Alright. I'll wait outside! I went outside and made sure he was legit staying before I did anything else. Luckily, I took all my stuff out of his car because this is my chance to dash! I wrote a note saying I checked the internet and there was a train coming in 10 minutes, so I'm just going to take the train! Stuck it on his windshield and ran for my life! I thought he'd catch up to me before my train comes and tries to kill me or something! D: So I took off my dress shirt, put on my hat and shades and kept walking. Omg, I can't believe I took the candy from a stranger and hopped into his car. What a sicko. I wouldn't mind if he was single and just want to have some fun. That would be completely fine with me. But he has a family at home... Wtf? That's so unfair for the wife and the son that he's messing around outside. I need to be more caution about hopping into people's cars. :( Next time, it won't be just visiting a brothel! They might even sell me!!! T_T Just kidding, but still though... Luckily, he doesn't have any contact info or where I lived. I don't want that guy associating with me. Also, that guy has no taste! If you're going to pay $140 to have sex with some random girl, at least go to a place with better looking girls! LOLOL... As shallow as I may be, the girls weren't that great at all lel...

So anyways. Now that I have some basics in my belt, I think I'm going to stay around Melbourne and try to find a cafe to work in! I want make use of this $290 that I spent on a class and perfect my coffee making! Who knows, maybe I'll end up like the instructor. He used to not like coffee at all. He worked at a cafe while he was in uni and all he was taught was press this button, do this thing, bam, you're on your own. He was producing yucky coffee but back then people didn't demand high quality coffee. He started doing his own research on how to make it better. He eventually became really good and got invited to work for some top notch coffee business. They were like, "Forget completing your engineering degree. Come work for us!" He started competing and ended up winning competitions at coffee making and people were surprised because no newbies has ever won or even reach 3rd place at those big competition. After a couple of years, he stopped and started teaching. So myah... Maybe I'll come to like coffee hehe... But it's such an expensive hobby. Good quality beans are uber expensive as well as the espresso machines. Whatever.

I've been thinking. Should I return to the US after my year in Australia comes to an end. The chances of traveling like this is rare once I'll start working again. But I definitely have a feeling that once I go back home, I don't really want to work for something else again. I really want to do my own thing; start my own business. I was looking into Working Holiday at South Korea. I was going to start learning Korean on my own and by the time I finish another year at New Zealand, I'll have 2 years of Korean under my belt and ready to tackle the country! But then it's only available for people that have recently graduated from university. :( Same goes for Singapore and Ireland. Canada is only 6 months. That's really all the countries that US have working holiday with. So my only option is Australia and New Zealand. I'll work on it.

I've been playing League a lot lately. Catching up on my missed 2 months. x( I'll stop once I get Andy's account to Gold haha... Aside from playing, I do manage my time pretty wisely because I want to start looking for a job again. I don't want to go for too long without a job because my bank account is weeping right now. I found an ad on Gumtree that YHA is looking for people for photoshoot for new ads! Free 4 days trip to the Great Ocean Road and this other place, all cost covered! +10 days free stay at any YHA after that! So gooot! But it might delay my time to start working. I keep hearing good stories about the Great Ocean Road, but I really don't want to go because I'd have to rent my own car or go on a day trip with a tour group which would probably suck. This is a great opportunity to go for free and even get rewarded~ I'll work hard on getting this opportunity! :D

Anyways, I should get some sleep now. I feel bad sleeping in on weekdays because it feels like I'm wasting my time. I need to get my sleeping schedule back together! Feels like college all over again when I just wanted to stay up all night~ But myah. Good night!

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