Sunday, October 18, 2015

Back into Melbourne and 2 months into Travel!

I can't believe that I'm heading into the 2 month period into my travel in Australia. Lilly was right; at some point, my excitement will plateau and I'm ready to settle down. I've came back to Melbourne on the 15th from Tasmania and started doing some light search for jobs around Victoria and New South Wales. I'm ready to settle down, get a job, and earn some money before I some more traveling~ I feel like I've been spending a lot of money; mostly on accommodation, food, and travel. I haven't been buying anything, but apparently, my backpack gained weight when I was checking in my bags at the airport... What?

During my 2 months travel, I've seen a lot of things, experienced a lot of situations, and met a fairly good amount of people. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed that I am moving day by day, places to places. If you look at my Google Fit stats, I've been walking 10,000 ~ 30,000 steps everyday. I try to do everything that is free in each place that I visit before I move on. There are places that are just unimaginably awesome; some were just meh. I don't know if I miss home, but I definitely miss Dexter, my parents, and my friends. There are times when I'd say, "Wow... This place is awesome! I bet [friend] would love to be here!" It's just things that cannot be expressed through pictures or words; things that has to be seen in person. Especially Tasmania! Just pure awesomeness -- The National Parks and the open field of farms and scenic views in every direction. Every time I see a dog, I'd be like OMG SO CUTEEE... I miss Dexter QQ lol... It's okay.

2 months. I don't know if I have really focused on understanding myself. But one thing for sure is that I don't like constant attention -- by that I mean traveling with friends that I meet on the trip haha... I'm a terrible person, but I hate having to think about other people when it comes to what I want to do. Things I might like, the other person might find it boring AF. When I travel alone, I like how I can stay at one place however long I want to as to traveling with someone else, they might want to move on. In Tasmania, we went to Mt. Wellington. I was really into getting the feel of being there and love the view, but one of the guy felt like we spent too much time up there. Whatev, ya knowww? What else... I'm getting back into my old habits. I ended up going out and buying a mouse so I can play League of Legends! Old habits are old habits. I've been watching the Worlds Championship and just craving to play. I've been playing on the Oceania server; maybe a total of 4 games? Wow am I bad at it after 3 months of hiatus. Or maybe I suck because I don't have my original keyboard and mouse. I don't think I will be playing a lot because I don't need it as an escape anymore. Maybe just a game or two every other night or something; something to relax to and just play casually when I feel like I need a break.

So I'm back to Melbourne now. I was planning on staying here for five more nights before heading back to Sydney (because the train only runs every Wednesday, so I need to stay 5 nights in Melbourne), but I decided to stay an additional week because the Melbourne Knowledge Week is happening 19 - 25 October. It's like a conference; a week of people, companies, universities hosting forums and talks regarding technology, innovation, future development, sharing ideas, etc. I found this event out before I left for Tasmania, but I couldn't decide if I really wanted to stay for this. I finally decided to stay for it anyways because it's a good way to meet people with the same interest and it's going to be very educational for me! I've literally signed up for almost every free ones! Now I have to out the time overlapping ones and decide which ones I want to go to! Haha... It's be a fun week. What's not fun is that I have to be jumping hostels. I booked 2 days at Melbourne Central YHA, 3 days at Home at the Mansion because I needed to stay five days before the train to Sydney, and 7 more days at Melbourne Metro YHA so I can stay for the Knowledge Week.

As for meeting new people, I don't know about being obligated to meet new people now haha... It's okay to just be myself and do my own thing. I do enjoy that some people are genuinely interested to talking with me. Whenever I hear Cantonese, I get so tempted to go over and be like ARE YOU FROM HONG KONG?! But then I feel like a creep, especially if they're girls, and I would just not do it and keep doing what I'm doing. It's all good though. It's not like I've created a bubble around myself. I do start up conversation with random people and others have started talking to me. As an introvert, it's a good amount of socializing for me. I don't need constant attention!

I'm sitting at the State Library of Victoria and they promised me high-speed internet, but it's 500kbps. God damn Australia. Your internet sucks! I guess it's good enough to sort out my week to come for Knowledge Week, do some hostel booking, check some emails, apply for jobs, etc. It's good that it's slow so I can't play League haha...

Welp, that's a quick update. I'm going to go get some groceries and start working on dinner because I'm sooo hungry right now! I don't know if I'm eating enough or not, but I lose weight without even trying. Maybe because I'm eating too healthy. I need to get myself some junk food. Tim Tam is like part of my life now. I've been buying every awesome flavors that I encounter! Until next time, peace out!

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