Tuesday, October 20, 2015

First Day of Melbourne Knowledge Week!

God damn it, I always do this to myself... Instead of just thinking I've learned something new, I'd feel like I haven't accomplished much in my life and feel shitty for the rest of the day.

The first event was having an inside look of a classical musician group called Inventi Ensemble and how they rehearse for their performance on Thursday. I think I can say I thoroughly enjoy classical music, especially the more modern ones. I don't know if game music can be categorized in that but it sounds similar to game background music. It was a group of three musicians, a harp, flute, and a clarinet player. Everyone was amazed by the harp and so was I. It had 47 strings and 7 pedals to switch between sharp and flat. The player was introducing the harp and they were reciting their pieces going into how they try to play with each other without a conductor. It was quite interesting but I only got to stay for half the rehearsal before I had to head off to the next one.

The next one was where I started feeling shitty about myself lol... Smart City Leadership. There were 4 speakers of which had done big things to help the promotion and growth of the city of Melbourne. One of them was called Marita Cheng. She's 26 years old graduated from University of Melbourne and currently in the progress of creating robotic technologies to assist people with disabilities and of the general public as well. She has also started a program to go around the world holding workshops to educate and encourage more females to take interest in the engineering and science (STEM) field of study. She was also awarded Young Australian of the Year in 2012; an award given to young Australian that has created a big impact in promoting knowledge and growth towards the country. And here I am, 7 months younger than her, lost and don't know what I really want to do...

I don't want to live a normal life being a puppet in making another person's dream come true. At the end of a 9-5 cubicle day, I feel so underachieved. I want to make something out of myself instead of just bring home the money and call it a life. I definitely have the idea that I want to do something big, but I don't have the urge or courage to stop dream and start creating. I wonder how these people do it... Maybe I'm just lazy, but are these people productive at all times? I mean, Marita said she was just a normal teenager in Cairns doing normal teenage things. It didn't all come together until she got into University of Melbourne. What separates me from her is that she is ambitious and hardworking. I'm lazy and satisfied with just getting by zzz... I need to stop being this way and have more confident in myself. A lot of people I meet tells me that I'm an awesome person in many different ways and I need to just take those words and empower myself to believe that I am great and I will achieve great things. I just need to work harder and stop slacking off going on reddit or refreshing my Facebook every 10 minutes.

The talk was great and it sparked some thinking into me. It was mostly about sharing knowledge and how to keep Melbourne growing into one of the best cities in the world. I think they already are a great city and they'll keep thriving! I wanted to ask a question, but time ran out and I didn't get to do it. Oh well, there's more opportunities into the week for me to ask!

In other news, I booked a 5 hour barista course on making latte for AU$290. :( Such amount. Much poor. It'll be all worth it! It's taught by some awesome person that has competed in latte art and very well known apparently!

I'll work on it; my confidence and errthing. Anyways, I need to get up at 6 AM tomorrow morning for another workshop! Sleep solves all problem and it's a new day tomorrow will new opportunities! I need some sleep now! Peace out!

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