Saturday, June 4, 2016


Dude, he's crazy!

Sometimes, I feel bad for living at his place. He doesn't charge me any money for living there and he usually won't let me pay for groceries unless I go and buy my own thing. He lets me cook once in a while, but he said he rather cook himself because he wants to get better at cooking. So I was like whatever, he's a friend and he's okay with me doing that, so I'll let him come to my place if he ever comes to Massachusetts. Mind that he's probably in his 50s I think... Or that's what he looked like.

One night, he prepared dinner. He called me out to eat and told me that the rice has gone cold, so I better hurry and eat it. I tasted it and it was cold. But rice don't get cold 2 minutes out of the rice cooker.
Me: "Did you scoop it out of the rice cooker for a long time?"
Him: "No, I just scooped it out and put the food on top of the rice."
Me: "Okay. Just to let you know, you don't have to unplug the rice cooker immediately once the rice finish cooking. The cooker will keep the rice warm for a very long period of time as long as you keep it plugged in. The rice won't overcook."
Him: "No! I didn't take the rice out for a long time! I just scooped it out and put the food on top! I don't think you appreciate my cooking, is that it?!?!!? I'm trying my best to cook and you just complain!"
Me: o______________o "I never said I don't appreciate your cooking. I always thanked you for cooking."
Him: "Now you want to start an argument with me??? You don't have to eat it if you don't appreciate it!"
Me: .____________.

Yesterday, when I was about to leave the house.
Me: "Hey, I'm going to head out to the library."
Him: "Okay. Do you want to use the front door?"
Me: "No, it doesn't matter. I'll use the side door since my shoes are here already."
Him: "Here, let me open the front door for you. Use the front door."
Me: "Nawww, it's fine. I'll use the side door since it's already opened and unlocked."
Him: "Are you trying to start an argument with me?!?!?? I don't think you appreciate living here!"
Me: o_________________________________o *dude wtf*
Him: "You know, I'm just being nice and letting you stay here! You don't appreciate living here, huh?!?!?? You can leave anytime!"
Me: .____________. "No, I don't not appreciate living here. I just don't think it's such a big deal where I get out of the house from... Fine, I'll use the front door. Sorry."
Him: "Now you're getting me all worked up! It's a courtesy thing to have my guest go out from the front door!"
Me: *dude calm the fuck down. It's no big deal*

Because of these, I started to feel uncomfortable. Not only that. The other day, we were talking about Christianity and I brought up how Christianity is against gay people and I don't agree that gay people are bad. I have plenty of gay friends and they're genuinely good people. He then revealed to me that he's gay and told me about his experience and sex life with girls and guys and I'm like........ o.......k............. I was totally fine with it, whatever. The first day I reached Perth and came to his house, he mentioned that his bathroom wall paints are chipping and ripping off because of too much moisture since the exhaust fan doesn't really do anything. His solution was to keep the bathroom door a little bit opened so the steam would dissapate so it won't cause the paint to chip even more. I ignored that because I like my privacy when I'm taking a shower. Even in high school gym class, I didn't feel comfortable with open showers where everyone just showered together. One night, I was taking a shower and he didn't even knock. He opened the door a bit and told me that he wants the door opened up a little so the steam won't ruin the paint. I was like dude, wtf o_____o At least knock....

I told Marco about all this and he told me to book a ticket and leave as fast as possible.
To be honest, I think he's a nice guy. But it got to the point of awkwardness that I don't even feel comfortable saying anything back to him fearing that I'd offend him. He likes talking and in a conversation, I like to be giving replies to give a sense of I'm paying attention. I don't like having no input or anything to say back to him. But it has gotten to that point of no return. I was waiting for Rafael to get back to me if I could get a job at Gensuke back in Melbourne, but I booked a flight that very night to get back to Perth. I don't think I feel comfortable staying here with him anymore. The flight was a bit expensive, but I calculated it and it'd be more expensive if I lived in a hostel for four more days to catch a cheaper flight. So here I am at the airport waiting for my flight back to Melbourne. No job. No money. No honey. T^T But that's okay. I wanted to go back before I depart anyways. Melbourne is where I've created a lot of memories and friends that I truly hold dear to me for my lifetime.

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