Saturday, June 25, 2016

A New Journey Awaits!

I have a flight in 3 hours to catch flying to Christchurch, New Zealand! :) I'll be going with Satie and Marco. I know it will be a great and fun trip. It will be a good time for me to take the time and reflect on life.

I've been so lazy this past week. I kept telling myself to finish my previous blog, but I never got around to it. I've been doing planning for this New Zealand trip as well as following the market regarding the exit of UK. It's amazing how one country's decision can impact the whole world. I ran into some stupid things while booking flights and a campervan, but I guess it's okay. I take it as a lesson and know what to do next time.

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about returning to Melbourne for longer term. This trip, I've been experimenting a lot with cooking. While living here with Marco that has been studying pastry, I've been taking interest in cooking with him. I actually have fun cooking because he gives me tips and the way he cooks look intriguing. With a creative side in me, I was thinking maybe I can come back to Melbourne to study pastry and eventually get PR here. Haha... I don't know if that's really what I want, but I need to start making my own decisions. Maybe I'll go back home for a year, see how the environment treats me, then make a decision based on that. It's good enough to have the idea rather than doing long term planning. At least now, I know I have the courage to make a change when I am unhappy because I have already took a big step to quit my job to come here. I love Melbourne. I feel like I have a family here with my church friends. Everything here is great, or so I want to think so. :) God has a plan for me, so there's no reason to beat around the bush about something insignificant.

Anyways, I need to start getting ready to head out. I'll keep this updated as much as possible. I won't be bringing my laptop, so I can free up some space.

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