Sunday, January 24, 2016

Following the footsteps of Christ

Boy, I haven't updated my blog for a while now... I actually did once a few days back, it was something that I didn't want to post about, so I kept it as a draft! It was nothing but complains, so it's not worth posting anyways hahaha...

A lot has happened, but mostly not about me! Where to start... Josh and Cindy are together now!!! What? I knew something was going on when they both would go out and not invite me and Satie. It was so obvious, but when I once said, "Wah! You guys are back early on a date!" in Cantonese once and she denied it saying that I'm thinking too much ahahah... Josh finally told me and Cindy told Satie. But the bad news is that Josh moved out thinking that it might be awkward for them to be together in the same apartment. My new roommate is Ryu! From Japan! He's a bit shyyy and doesn't really talk, but I hope I get to spend some time with him and try to get along better! He goes to sleep at like 10 PM because he is so used to sleeping at 8 PM when he used to work at a factory... The good thing is he's not a light sleeper so opening and closing the god damn room door won't wake him up. I swear it's the worse design in the world to make it click while you're opening or closing it.

Another good new is that my parent's restaurant is finally getting to the selling closing agreement! Their target date is 26th of January. One less burden to worry about because it's not generating any income and we still have to pay property tax, utility bills, etc etc. Even though they're getting rid of it for A LOT less than what they purchased it for, it's better than just letting it sit there because there's really no one else up there thinking about setting up a new business. Throughout the past month, I've been in contact with the real estate agent through email to get go through the process and communicating on behalf of my parents. Win win situation!

What else... At first when Ryu moved in, I was kind of skeptical of him being a good guy. Satie made a good point that maybe I was new to this living in an apartment with different people so I get a bit cautious about new people. It's true because I felt comfortable with Josh and the others and I wasn't really looking forward to getting a new roommate. Some changes are good, some are not!!! What if the new roommate is super weird; weirder than me?! Or someone smelly? Or someone that snores really loud throughout the night? I guess I'm just glad that Ryu is cool. Australia is not as safe as I though it would be. A bit before New Years, Satie tried to sell her Samsung Galaxy S6 edge and she got fake cash... It was my first time seeing fake cash in action and I had a bad feeling about it when the guy pulled out the money (Satie asked me to go with her just in case) and he had a stash of $100 bills... We reported to the police immediately after we figured it out but the useless police didn't even do anything about it after filing a report. They didn't even track the guy's license plate, which I took a peek before he sped off just in case something goes wrong. So much for having a police force. I see them passing out tickets for parking violations, but they don't give a two damn about people losing money or speeding.

Friday marked the first time that I went to my bible study care group without Josh. It was just only seven of us there on Friday night, which is pretty low considering that most of the time, we had around 13 people. It was nice to have just a few of us too. I'm really starting to enjoy being with them. They're really great people and super nice, especially the currently care group leader Nat and Kay. My blessing for the week was that I received a wonderful new roommate and I hope to continue getting along with him. My prayer goes to Josh wishing him well at his new job in the CBD and hopefully he settles down on his new place where Cindy used to live.

Today was also my first time attending church here! Last night, I told Nat and Kay that I had Saturday off, so they asked me to join them and I said sure! They are a Seventh-day Adventist church group, so they worship on a Saturday instead of a Sunday. Today was truly wonderful. I genuinely felt that God has blessed me with all the wonderful people that I got to meet at church. I met a lot of new friends and after church, we went to a botanical garden outside of the city and even visited one of the church member's new house which was super nice! I don't know... Maybe because I joined a care group before going to the church? Or maybe this church is a small closely knitted group of people. When I was attending church in Boston, I didn't felt like I was meeting new people. There were a lot of people and majority of them already had their groups established and their group of friends. The people I meet there, it was more like oh, they're sitting next to me, so we're just going to introduce each other and move on after that. It was hard to establish a longer term friendship. Also, I didn't want to do any after worship activities because I didn't really know anyone. But today, I got to participate with the after worship activities and spend Sabbath with a bunch of awesome people. I want to make a genuine effort to continue going to care group every Friday night and attend morning church whenever I do not have to go to work! Who knows... Maybe one day, I'll get converted into Christianity! Ahahah... I'm not sure. I don't think I have that much devotion. But I met this woman from Hong Kong that is probably in her 60s. She was telling me how studying the bible gives her happiness and provide her a different prospective at viewing life. When you run into troubles or things in life, you might get reminded of a passage from the bible and you will smile and know that God is with you at all times. Before, I think that people cannot rely on God. It's all about your hard work, effort, and a bit of luck that gets you through life. But it's not such a bad feeling to be reminded that God is watching over you and as long as you welcome him into your life, he will guide you trouble most of your troubles and doubts. Our speaker today was struggling between studying to be a doctor and taking his time off on Sabbath day. Tutoring session were only available on Saturdays, but Saturday is reserved to be for worshiping and a day where they don't do any other activities. He chose God over attending the tutoring session even though he will miss the extra knowledge and practice that would help him pass the exam. Due to his loyalty to God, the tutors decided that they could help him on other days just for him and the speaker felt that it was God's doing. He ended up passing his exam and is now a pediatrician. I think I'm babbling on for too long, but I don't understand this feeling. Is it because I am meeting new people that is getting me excited? Is it because I am giving the religion a try that God is blessing me with new friends and a happy life? Who knows... But I just lost two games on League of Legends......

Haha, I need to get some sleep. Work tomorrow zzz... Until next time.  

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