Friday, December 4, 2015

Work and Searching for House Share Week

So I started work on Tuesday and turns out that part time means that I won't have work every day! D: They will only assign me to work when they need me. Though luckily, it's busy season because it's Australia's summer and people are going on vacations + a lot of sports events in Melbourne, so I can stack my hours. I do 5 hours a day and I've been working everyday since I started~ I don't have work over the weekend though.

How's work? Work's alright. I think it's better than sitting in a cubicle all day but it's not an ideal job... Housekeeping at the hostel. I basically change bed sheets, clean up rooms, and clean the bathrooms in the morning. It's not something that I hate doing, but it's not something that I would like to do long term! Lol... I told the manager Dooshyant that I would commit to 6 months, but I'll probably do 5 months and then head off to Queensland to look for farm work! If I do 6 months, I won't have enough time to work at a farm and extend my visa! I think I mentioned that in 2016, Australia wants to develop north Australia, so they're permitting 462 visa holders to extend their visa if they work up in Queensland and North Territory. I think I'll get myself qualified for that and use it before I turn 31. Don't know what will happen in the future and I don't plan on planning that far into the future, so we'll see~

So work's alright, but I never knew searching for house share was so stressful x_x I guess it's because I've never had to deal with looking for apartments back at home that it can be quite overwhelming at first. I want to stay closer to the city, but damn is it expensive AF... AU$250 per week to share a room with like 4 other people in a room or even a living room... It's ridiculous. So many people want to stay near the city that people can setup their living room with curtains and call it a room... I went to one place today to inspect the place because I thought $135 per week was pretty cheap. Apparently, I'll be living in a corner of the living room blocked out with curtains and with 2 other people... I was thinking that if it was just me living in the living room, that'd be okay with me, but with 2 other people and paying AU$540 a month for that... Some people recommend that I should just look for places in the suburbs. It's a lot cheaper and you might get your own room. But the thing is, taking the public transportation into the city makes up the cost anyways... Melbourne public transportation allows you to travel up to AU$7.50 something before it stops charging for the rest of the day for any additional travels. That comes out to be AU$52.50 per week additional for taking the tram to and from the city. It's not any cheaper then if I were to pay $125 per week + $52.50 to live an hour away from the city. I found another one that is really cheap in the city, share the room with one other guy, and share the place with 3 other people (total of 4) for $115 per week + bills, but when I went to inspect, the guy's phone wasn't working and he said he doesn't have a computer so he can't check his email all the time. It's frustrating none the less and being kicked out on Sunday isn't helping. :( I guess I'll try to find a good hostel to stay at until I get something. Hopefully things will turn out for the best. I shouldn't stress out too much about things that I can't control, mirite?

But yeah, that's what I've been doing all week, work and looking for house shares. Before, I was thinking of getting an evening job, but I don't know now... After working as a housekeeper in the morning, I feel so exhausted afterward that I just want to lay back and take a long nap zzz... Maybe I'll give it a little more thoughts and once I settle down, just keep looking for jobs and not worry if I don't get an evening job. Good good? Good!

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