Thursday, December 10, 2015

Finally Settled Down in my New Apartment!

Whew… So I’m 4 days into moving into my apartment. Boy has it been awesome! My roommates are all super awesome and friendly! There’s Nina from Taiwan, Adriana the Japanese from Brazil, and Josh from South Korea. The apartment is not has small as I first thought it was when I first came for an inspection. The space is just right. It’s actually like the size of my parent’s room at home, but it’s enough for me. It gives me a warmer family feel where everyone is squeezed into a small area. It gives me the feel of being in Hong Kong too; with the small area and the constant vent buzzing sound coming from outside. Chris was afraid that I’ll not like it because it’s so small and the people were going to be bad that I’ll be running back to the hostel crying. But in the end, the roommates made me feel welcome and really get me into fitting in with them. I already feel a great bond with them. ^_^

Yesterday, I completed a three part study with Sungwook and we kind of just became friends haha… He’s doing his PhD and I was one of his participants. We have so much to talk about and he seem like one of those shy guys. He told me he lives alone and doesn’t really have that many friends. I told him that maybe we can keep in contact after our study is done and maybe we can hang out when he has free time away from his study! Hahaha… I think he’s a cool guy. He’s Korean, lived in Singapore for 8 years for his study, and came to Australia to study for his PhD. I hope we’ll become closer friends than just me being a participant. :P

I was going to go to Ikea yesterday, but Chris lend his myki card to a friend, so he couldn’t take the
tram with me to Ikea and asked me to wait for him until today. So today, we went to an audio store in South Melbourne because my in-ear headphones has been bugging me and I wanted an over-ear headphones. I should have brought my Razer Kraken, but it was not travel size and it’s USB only. =_=; I’ve been reading on reviews and thinking about buying something below $200. People praised the Oppo PM-3 but it’s $400… So I decided on the Audio Technica ATH-m50x. We went to Soundcorp and I ended up buying the ATH-m50x for AU$187 ahahah… I can’t believe I bought it so casually. I usually put a lot of thoughts into buying expensive things. I guess that’s what Australia did to me. I should just buy what I like because money is earned to be spent. I got a job here, so spending some money on things that I like is okay. Chris on the other hand though, he was so passionate about the audio machines and equipment. He keeps having no confidence in himself of getting a job with audio and lighting, but I think if he put a little bit more effort into it, he’d get some awesome gig. If I was in this field and see how passionate he is with these things, I’d hire him right away. It’s what he loves to do, so do what he loves. I even helped him ask if Soundcorp had any position opened but unfortunately they don’t. I bought the m50x right away trying out a few other in the same price range. The headphone fit on me perfectliy unlike the other ones that I’ve tried (they were either too big and heavy or the cup was too small that it was squeezing my ears down and uncomfortable). I know I won’t regret buying this. :)

Went to Ikea right after and bought myself a quilt/blanket and a pillow. The pillow that came with the bed was all yellow and nasty….. I don’t know how many people have used it. There was no blanket. I think I’m going to sneak some bed sheets from the hostel after working. I also bought a cactus! Giving myself another chance at it since I’ve killed the last 2 that I’ve had. I even decorated it with seashells and made a little sign that says “Smile Everyday!” :) The apartment need a little green to lighten up the place. My roommates was so happy that I bought the cactus and reorganized the living room and it actually made sense (I moved a single seat sofa away from the corner and put a desk there so someone can actually sit on the sofa instead of being in the corner where no one can sit on it comfortably).

Tonight, we had a dumpling night. We all contributed into making it, but it was all Nina’s idea and she even invited a few of her friends over to do a farewell party before Nina leaves within the next week. I believe she got a potential job at Hobart Tasmania. Happy for her, but I’ll miss her even if I only know her for a maybe two weeks. She’s super active all the time and very enthusiastic! I think it’s a good thing because she lightens up the room. Josh is a bit quiet but really into doing a lot of activities. I went to a guitar lesson with him, but once again I’m a super fail at string instruments ahah… Adriana or we call her Sachi is really nice too and talkative once she’s engaged! She’s like me. If a person doesn’t really talk to me, I wouldn’t have much to say. But when we spark up a conversation, we can go on and on.

I’m so happy. ^^ It’s different from the hostel and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to meet anyone once I leave the hostel, but I’m glad that I met these roommates and they already feel like a family to me after 3 days. I think this 5 months is going to super awesome. I’m going to participate with Josh at more activities like going to church so I can keep meeting new people like I used to do at the hostel. I’m going to make my time in Australia the best one and the most memorable one! I definitely made the best decision in my life coming to Australia instead of staying at Radius and living my boring miserable life. I do miss my friends, family, and Dexter though… But they will be around if I do decide to go home.

I have work tomorrow, so time for me to take a shower and get some rest~ Until next time, <3

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