Monday, December 21, 2015

The Life of No Worries

I think I'm at the state of relaxation now haha... I have Sunday and today Monday off. Saturday was 42 degree Celsius (107 Fahrenheit). I got off early because our manager didn't want us to work too much in such a hot weather. The moment I walked out it felt like I was baking with an oven -- the moment when you just open the oven door and a burst of heat smack you in the face. Even being in the sun for more than 7 seconds felt like your skin was burning. Damn Australia and their broken ozone layer. 

That night, Adriana and I decided to cook dinner together and we made Yakisoba! We bought beef at Coles, but we didn't noticed that we forgot to put the beef into the bag before we left the self checkout until we were looking for the beef to cook... We ended up using bacon! Haha... We talked into the night until like 2 AM. We really enjoy talking with each other into the night; it's weird. She said she felt closer to me than Nick which she lived with for a year before I replaced him. She's like Unkei in a way; someone who I really enjoy talking to for a long time.

Sunday, Adriana and I went to South Melbourne Market. Omg, this place IS better than Queen Victoria Market. It has so many different things; hand crafted jewelries and potteries, food, fruits, food stand, groceries, REALLY GOOD OYSTERS, etc. Man, Melbourne can only get better... This city has such a rich culture of everything. I finally understand why Lilly loves this city. It's not something that can be described or felt if you only stay here for a week. You just have to be here and live here for a while to experience it. I wonder if there's a place like this in America... We had Turkish pancake for lunch and I bought some groceries before heading back to the apartment. We got back to our apartment around 5 and I just decided to take a nap on the couch for 2 hours. I never felt that great before. I felt like I'm living the life of no worries. If I had internet in the apartment, I wouldn't have just laid on the couch for 2 hours taking a nap and just relaxing. But since I don't have internet, I wasn't glued to my computer. I had nothing to worry about, nothing to stress out about, nothing to ponder over, and I was just spacing out and enjoying the free time that I have. I don't think I have experience that ever. We plan on getting internet once the new girl moves in though haha... It's just really inconvenient without internet. But these two weeks without internet at the apartment is great. I just relax and chat with my housemates into the night.

If anything, Australia has been a good life changing moment for me. I hope things continue to go well for me. After Christmas, Australia has Boxing Day which is exactly the same as our Black Friday after Thanksgivings. I have some things on my list to get including new shoes, new socks, a vacuum for the apartment, and maybe a blender because we want to make smoothies! Cindy, the Hong Kong girl, is going to move into the apartment tomorrow. She didn't seem to excited meeting us on the day we met up to do a tenant transfer, but I hope she turns out to be awesome! She seems like a really nice person based on first impression! Haha... Good stuff.

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