Friday, November 27, 2015

Job! I got a job!

Jobbbbb! :D

My current hostel Melbourne Metro YHA was looking for a part time housekeeper. They posted a sign on the lounge door but I didn't really noticed it until people at the hostel was talking about it. I checked it out and email the manager of this branch indicating that I am currently working at the hostel vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen, and the lounge and that I was interested in getting the job as a housekeeper. I didn't have much hope for it because I know a lot of people at the hostel was also applying for the position too; people are craving for a job and income lol...

To my surprise, the reception reached out to me for an interview. I didn't even know what's it for because they went to my room and put a post-it on my door saying see reception because I was not in my room. I went to reception and they told me it was an interview with Dooshyant for the housekeeping job and I can see him in like 10 minutes. Luckily, I was wearing my dress shirt getting ready to go out to pass out resumes. The interview was okay, but I felt like I could have done better. I was like, whatever, nothing to be worked up about because it's just a housekeeping job and I don't mind if I don't get it. In a way, it feels like a downgrade from my job at home because I used to work in an office as a systems support specialist. Here I am going to be a housekeeper cleaning after other people's mess. :< But that's okay, it's a legit profession and a source of income so anything is good. It's something new for a change and I love cleaning so it'll be a nice experience for me.

Today, I was just walking around and the reception caught me walking around the hostel and they told me that Dooshyant is looking for me to let him know if I've decided to take the job. I was like O_O hwot? I was waiting for an acceptance email... But that works too! Haha... Basically, Dooshyant accepted me when he gave me the interview. It was just up to me if I can commit 6 months to the job because they want someone who will commit due to training being intensive and costly in a way. I went to office straight away and let him know that I'm willing to commit to the 6 months and he let me know that I will start on Tuesday! But I gotta move out of the hostel because they don't want to mingling my personal life with work life so I have a week to look for a house share. What's awesome about this position is that it's part time from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM, so I can totally get another job for the evening shift. I'm not sure if there's any coffee shops that opens in the evening, but I also want to try being a waiter too. I can get a job maybe for 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM so I can earn a little bit more cash $$$. 10 hours a day shouldn't be too much and I've taken a long enough vacation by now... 3 months of no income @_@ Gotta make it up! Now that I think about it... I didn't ask how much I will be earning from the housekeeping job. x( The application asked how much I want as a salary so I put down AU$20/hr. Dooshyant said it was around the ballpark but didn't disclose how much is the salary. So I guess it's alright. They can't rip me off because YHA is a big organization and they need to keep their reputation. ;)

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