Thursday, November 19, 2015

Burning Bridges One Friend at a Time


Everything has been pretty cool! I've been slacking on looking for a job since I get free accommodation, but I'm working on it.

Wednesday, I met these two new HK friends, San and Ceres. Melbourne was Ceres' last stop before she has to return home to HK. She has been here for 5 months working at Perth. We ended up agreeing to rent a car to travel the places outside of Melbourne. I ended up talking with Chris and he convinced me to rent a manual car and he will teach me to drive it because in Germany everyone drives manual... I thought it was a good idea because I wanted to do that at Tasmania too but I ended up getting an SUV so I couldn't get a manual one. This time though, I ended up booking a manual car on Thursday night. The plan was to go to different places for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with one of those day being the Great Ocean Road. 

Friday morning, I indicated that I will pick up the car at 9 AM, but we were being slow pokes and didn't leave the hostel until 11. We ended up missing the pick up time and all other cars were out of stock. We ended up going to museums instead. Well, just Ceres. I only slept for a few hours and San was tired, so we just kinda wandered around and ended up getting back to the hostel by 5. I made another booking for another car for Saturday and Sunday, again with Chris convincing me that I should book a manual and so I did. Saturday comes along, we headed out early to get the car, but Chris did not wake up and his phone was dead. I called him all morning and no reply. So I tried to do it myself -- driving the manual car out of the garage of where we pick up our car. I mean, how hard can it be? It ended up being just as hard as it should be. I step on the clutch and breaks, turned on the car, pull down the hand break, and start driving. I was afraid to be accelerating too fast in the garage, so I didn't gas enough before letting go of the clutch. I stalled it every single time I let go of the clutch. All the people that were working at the garage kept staring at me asking me if I know how to drive a manual... They told me to go upstairs and change the car because if I don't know how to drive manual, it's going to be dangerous driving in the city. Frustration overload over the fact that Chris is not waking up and I have already wasted two of Ceres' short stay in Melbourne. I gave up and ask for a different car, but they were out of stock once again. Chris didn't wake up until 11 AM and apologized over WhatsApp. We ended up taking the train to Puffing Billy where we took a steam train to a rural area and worked our way back. I guess San doesn't really like walking on regular basis. She was complaining about having to walk 30+ minutes whenever we mention that. I wanted to stay a bit longer and walk all the national park trails, but they wanted to leave, so I guess I'll follow them. THEN I made ANOTHER booking, this time for Sunday and Monday, AUTOMATIC. I didn't want to mess shit up again. Sunday came along and we ended up going to Great Ocean Road -- Ceres, San, Chris, a Taiwanese girl, and me. It was fun and beautiful, but I can tell that Ceres is really disappointed that I messed up her vacation. I promised her that I would drive her to the airport on Monday. We ended up getting back to the hostel at 12 AM, I ate dinner and it was 1:30 AM. After cleaning the lounge, I was dead tired and it was 4:00 AM. I've been awake since 7. I completely forgot about having to drive Ceres to the airport in the morning, so I totally forgot to set an alarm. She called 11 times and I missed them all. I didn't wake up until 11 AM, flipped out, and flipped out again that I might have gotten a parking ticket for waking up late.

Monday was not only that. I missed driving Ceres to the airport (but luckily, I didn't get a parking ticket). I tried calling her to see if I can reach her before she boards the airplane, but I couldn't reach her and my Skype credit ran out of credits... What? I thought if I buy a number from Skype, I can call over wifi for free... Apparently not. So now I have to spend another $25 to get more credit. I looked up the information to get to Sydney for the Pokemon Symphonic concert and turns out the cheapest to get there is by train for $140 round trip + $30 for a night of hostel. Anita ended up telling me that her manager assigned her to work that night so she can't go. Now I just spent AU$170 to get to Sydney and another $160 on two tickets with just myself going... When Chris woke up at 2, I needed to return the car because parking is such a hassle in the city. We went to pick up Chris' package that his mom sent and we headed towards the parking lot to return the car. After returning the car, I noticed that I forgot to return the garage entrance ticket so I told Chris to watch my groceries that we just bought and I'll be back quick. I started running back. The side walk was made of smooth marble like material. There was a guy coming out of the doors so I wanted to run around him for the garage. I ended up slipping on my flip flops and splat onto the ground. Fucked up my right knee and right elbow really bad. I got back up and walked towards the garage attendant and he told me that the ticket was useless and he didn't need it.... At this point, the only thing that's going through in my head was, "Can my day get any worse? I knew from the Skype and concert that it was going to be a dark day." Chris tried to comfort me, but I didn't want to speak. That's how I deal with my problems. I shallow it and deal with it myself. I don't like to express sad feeling to other people. I ended up spending the rest of the day cleaning up my wound and chilling in the hostel because I don't want to encounter any crap for the day.

But back to Ceres. She was a great person. I wished I didn't fucked up so hard. I didn't get her HK number, her WhatsApp, or her Facebook. I guess we just weren't meant to be. I felt so bad that I missed driving her to the airport. Lucy told me that it might mean that she's not as important to me as I thought she would be. Chris also tried to comfort me that it's not my fault. We don't expect these to happen, but it happens. I can't always think about other people's happiness because I can't make everyone happy. I need to think about myself sometimes because I went to sleep late and my body needed the rest. I guess they're right, but I seem to fuck up the most with the people that I thought are most important to me. It's just like how I always make Unkei upset even though she's one of the most important people in my life. I guess I don't know how to really care about those that I truly care about. I hope Ceres doesn't hold a bad impression of me if I ever see her again. :(

These two days were really hard for me to walk around because my knee is badddd... But I still managed to go to two psychological department studies and earned AU$50 out of the two, which is a good amount of pocket change to help lighten up the expenses. I ended up spending it all on food and getting a haircut lol...

Work's been great, but tiring because of the midnight to 2AM thing, especially having to wake up early to travel with the two HK friends. Ceres is gone but San is still here trying to get a job. I thought I'd like her and she gets really close when we take pictures. Like, our heads are touching and she'd put her arm on/around my shoulders. I read something that when a girl gets touchy, it means something! But I guess not. I found that our personalities are completely the opposite haha... I want someone like... Shen Chia-Yi or Onodera Kosaki <3 Oh well! Right now, I still need to find a date to go to the Pokemon Symphonic concert with me! I don't want my other ticket to go to waste. :'( 

Anyways, gotta get ready for work soon! Until next time, peace out~

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