Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wild Life

Such an emo post previously! My life is actually been great majority of the time aside from the minor arguments! My time here in Melbourne is almost over, but I have learn a lot during my time here. It's time that I continue my journey through life.

These feel weeks has been pretty overwhelming. I finally got a taste of working seven days straight! It wasn't so bad because our hostel manager finally realized that we are REALLY understaffed and that we were being overloaded so he finally hired three new staffs hahaha... After the seven days, I had two days off, but I ended up getting Sunday off too because I had another plan.

Friday, I got to relax for the day and did nothing. I was waiting for my new phone to come because I completely killed my Moto X. I dropped it twice during Easter camp. Although the phone was still working, it was cracked on basically every corner of the phone. I thought maybe I could finish my trip keeping this phone. I finally dropped it one more time during work when I needed to check the time to write the time on the time sheet. That final drop completely killed the screen to the point that the phone could not register my finger press on the lower half of the phone. Overnight, the screen stopped turning on. I went on the week without a phone and how hopeless I felt. I was looking for new phones and wanted to text Satie to help me check if the store near her work that was closing out if they had any phones on sale, but I couldn't. I wanted to listen to music, but I didn't have a device. I wanted to check out Google Maps to get somewhere, but I couldn't... When we moved to Adrian's place, he only had one fob to share among the three of us. I couldn't even call one of the girls to let them know that I'm home and to come open the door for me. @_@; How reliant are we on our technology? We questioned how people did it the old fashion way. I finally decided on getting the Huawei Nexus 6P, but Australia charges such a high premium due to outside of the US. US sells the phone for US$499. JB Hi-Fi, the Best Buy of Australia, was selling it for AU$947 which converts to US$740. I couldn't bare the fact that I'm paying such a high premium for... anything really. I finally found a highly rated eBay seller selling the phone for AU$755 which converts to about US$590. Yes, it's still more expensive, but if I add in the Massachusetts tax and shipping, it comes out to somewhere around the ballpark. Plus, I really needed a phone. I was going to settle with a cheap AU$300 phone, but the phone does not have the right band to be used in US. Also, I would feel like such a waste of money spending $300 on something that I won't like and it cannot be used outside of Australia. The phone finally arrived on Friday and I was so excited to use it! I love the phone so much. The only downside is that the phone is really heavy and it's even bigger than the Samsung Galaxy Note in terms of phone size (same screen size). I picked up some groceries, ran some errands, and picked up my phone. That night, I went to care group and had a relaxing night.

Saturday, I had the day off from work, so I decided to go to go church! I always enjoy going to church, but I'm always working on Saturdays... After church, I got to catch up with some friends that I've met at Easter camp and say some goodbyes. I also saw Calla, which didn't remember me, but she's someone that I met the last time I went to church and we had a good chat. We ended up going to Crystal's house after church to just relax and chat, but I had to head off early because I signed up to volunteer at the Melbourne Color Run with Eliza! :) The weather was cloudy, dark, and really wanting to rain. I was going to call it off, but I didn't want to disappoint Eliza haha... So I ended up going and had the best time of my life! We volunteered at the Snow zone which was a cannon blowing out bubbles! We got tired of cheering for the runners after an hour an a half, so we ended up ditching the team and seeing if we can run the track before it was over. By the time we got back to the starting line, they were already cleaning up. :( So we ended up going for the concert instead, which was refreshing. I haven't danced my butt off since my clubbing days. I'm really glad that I went and had a lot of fun even though the weather was cold and rainy~ I've never been to a Color Run before because the last time I tried to go, I got into a car accident. This time, Eliza and I volunteered, so we saved $70 each!

Sunday, another day of funnnn~ Hehe. Church friends planned a hot spring trip at Mornington! Satie, Isabel, and I tagged along. We were so distracted all morning that we ended up getting to Mornington by 4PM, so we grabbed lunch before heading off to the hot spring. It was great and relaxing, especially being able to be with friends! But it was a bit crowded which somewhat killed the mood. The one I went in New South Wales was a bit more expensive and I think that's why not many people were there on the day that I was there, but it was a totally different experience and it felt more relaxing with tranquillity and quiet. Either way, it was great to be seeing people and getting out of the house! Haha...

I'm glad I have so many friends in Melbourne and got to experience some new things before heading off. This coming Saturday will be my last day of work. After that, a new journey awaits me. I hope my rest of the trip will be as awesome as my time here in Melbourne!

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