Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Popular Only Gets More Popular!

Oh my gosh! Yesterday, I had work and it was almost like any other usual day. We fix beds, clean rooms, clean bathrooms, tidy up the lounge, etc. Last week, we started sorting out trash by recyclables and rubbish. We were on the second floor clearing out the rubbish bin in each of the rooms. For room 219, I accidentally pour the rubbish into the recyclable bin and we were all screaming and laughing at me for being dumb. So I started reaching into the recyclable bin to sort out the trash back to the rubbish bin. All of the a sudden, I felt something sharp tapped on my palm... I immediately threw it back into the bin and said ouch! Turns out it was a hypodermic needle..... Someone has disposed a needle in a regular bin and worse of all without the cap back onto the needle head. The rest of my team freaked out while I checked my palm if it punctured through my skin. I went to the bathroom, cleaned my hands with soap, and sanitized it while my co-worker brought the needle downstairs to the reception to properly dispose of it. I was called down by my manager and he helped me filled out a form. I said I'll be fine and went back to work. I don't know if I'm fine, but here I am, survived a day of it lolol... I'm pretty sure that it didn't puncture through my skin, but I was thinking... If it was for medical purposes, I'd assume that the doctor has told the user on how to properly dispose of the needles... My co-worker told me I should get a blood test just in case. I spoke with my manager after I got off work and he said most doctors would just tell me to wait a week to see if anything happens. After a week, if I do want to go forward with a blood test, I can go to a clinic and bring the bill back to work so YHA can reimburse me since it happened at work. I just hope I'll be okay. T_T If I don't make it back home, you'll know what happened!

Aside from that though, Charlie that I met from Melbourne Knowledge Week messaged me the night before to see if I want to join him for a food event. He's an event planner and loves to blog about food, events, theatre performances, etc. and he was invited to attend the Motorhome Majestic restaurant +a friend to try out their food free and blog about it before the launch of the restaurant to the public. I guess it's a nice way to gain publicity for business. Apparently, a lot of famous bloggers and food Intagramers with 10k+ followers were invited to attend this event. It was like a VIP thingie because we had the first dip on the food -> media press gets to attend the day after -> open for business. I had a fun time, ate a lot, and drank a lot hahaha... But damn, the popular will only get more popular and get exclusive stuff, huh... I hear people talking about seeing other people like they were celebrities. Also, they get to attend these food events for free! Oh, how I'd love to be part of that all the time hehe. We saw the menu and the food was not cheap at all. I must have eaten more than $100 worth of food and drinks. My thoughts? The food was pretty average to be honest. It was like traditional American diner food. Fries, onion rings, burgers, chicken wings, mac&cheese balls, shobert, ice cream, etc. The food was definitely fresh and well made, but that's because we had the first batch of deep frying oil. They say the burgers have a "special sauce" but it tasted a lot like spicy mayonnaise that we use for sushi + regular mayonnaise. The drinks on the other hand was pretty cool to me. Their signature drinks with salted caramel and Kinder Surprise cocktail. The salted caramel drink includes a scoop of vanilla ice cream, two shots of burbon whiskey, salted caramel syrup, and a load of full cream milk +a piece of bacon on top. I didn't see them making the Kinder Surprise cocktail, but both drinks were pretty good. I drank one of each +white wine, and red wine on an empty stomach. I pretty dizzy at the start of that haha... While I was eating, I had one more Kinder Surpise, a margaritas, and a daiquiri. Hey, free drinks are good drinks. I can't pass on those when they walk around passing them out! But boy I never learn. I slept for three hours last night and was up for the rest of the night. Overall, it was a great night. I wandered though... This is the owner's 3rd restaurant. If such food can become successful, what is preventing myself from opening a restaurant that's also successful. All I need to be like Disney; they put more money into advertising Star Wars Episode 7 than the money put into producing the movie. They ended up earning $2billion. Business is all about marketing and awareness as I've learned from Capsim project. I'm sure if I put my mind into it, I can success as well.

But I want to travel more before I head home... 
                                         Life without excitement is boring...

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