Monday, February 15, 2016

Value what I have and stop seeking for more

Man, doing housekeeping still drunk is a horrible idea, especially when I have to fix bunk beds! I woke up feeling sick so I ended up leaving the apartment without eating anything because of that hangover feeling? Never again. D:

I must confess again. I've been extremely moody and negative lately about insignificant things again. I'm not sure why, but I guess I am a bit home sick. I kept feeling like I didn't really have any close friends here in Australia. Chris was one of those close friend that I love to hang out with even if he drives me nuts sometimes. I still message him from time to time, but there are times when I wished he was around and annoying me rather than walking down Yarra River by myself looking at Lunar New Year decorations. I'm sure that he'd enjoy seeing that too.

Saturday night was going to be a lonely night lol... Cindy and Josh went to Tasmania. Johnny the new housemate is on a business trip until Tuesday. Satie was meeting up with some co-workers for a farewell dinner party for her supervisor. I had nothing planned for Saturday night and I was going to be home alone. I don't know... Sometimes, I enjoy my alone time. But I don't know why the thought of being alone at home on a Saturday night was haunting me to no ends! So I was preparing myself to spend the night marathoning anime haha (loser alert!). Satie called me and tell me to go out and have dinner with her and her co-workers. She remembered me telling her that I felt lonely in Australia because I don't really have any close friends. She wanted to take this opportunity to introduce her co-workers to me; people of similar age group. I ended up going and it really made my night. I met a lot of new people and I hope to have more opportunities to see them again. I also got really drunk ahahah... Soju is so good though. I was also partly competing with Satie to see which one of us is a stronger drinker. I can't say I win, so I'll just leave it at a draw because both of us were out by 12:30.

After the call with Satie ended, I finally came to my senses that I'm stupid for having all those negative feelings in myself. I have some of the bestest friends right in front of my face and I didn't even try to acknowledge that. Satie and I do a lot of things together, we talk with each other into the nights, and she told me she felt comfortable talking to me about anything. Although she works 6 days a week into late hours, she's really someone that I can say I feel close to. I clouded my mind with silly thoughts and I'm sure it wasn't healthy for my personal growth. I need to learn to value those around me and stop seeking for more than I deserve. I'm really grateful to be in Melbourne and I'm really grateful for the friends that I've met over the past five months, which includes John from Perth lol... I should thank God for the things and people that he has provided me and introduced to me. Not only Satie, but even my care group friends make me feel like I am part of a warm family. They're really sweet and caring people.

Value what I have and stop seeking for more (Greed)... Rewards will come to me when the time comes (Patience)... Live life in the present and learn from the past (Knowledge).

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